How do your scented candles last so long? We hear it all the time.
People love scented candles. The crisp sweet scent of a McIntosh apple might evoke memories of sunny Autumn days and childhood. The sharp fresh smell of a balsam fir can take you to Christmases past. Every one of our scented candles has the potential to create an atmosphere or feeling or memories, and people often spend a lot of time browsing before choosing the scent that means the most to them.
So that special scent should last.
Why most candles lose their scent quickly
Unfortunately, far too many candle makers, well, cheat. To save money, they’ll put the scent only in a small layer of wax on top of the candle. It smells great in the candle shop and the first couple of times you light the candle. But after that it disappears.
It’s a disappointing approach. So way back when we made our first scented candles, we decided that we would go the extra distance to ensure you enjoy your candle’s scent until its final flicker.
The secret? It’s actually very simple.
Our candle makers blend aromatics throughout all of the wax used in your Country Affair scented candle. That means you’ll enjoy the same delightful scent that drew you to the candle every single time you light it.

Choose from a wide variety of fragrances in our scented Ice Pillar candles