In Meaford, Ontario, Country Affair Candles is simply known as “The Candle Factory”. After six years of successfully manufacturing and wholesaling candles from an ever-expanding shed on Diane and Terry Ellah’s rural property, we moved into town in 2001. Meaford’s old “Wheelbarrow Factory” was built in the late 1880s, and it had the space we needed to expand our candle-making operation.
It also had room for a factory retail outlet. But while we expanded (and expanded) the retail space over time, occasionally we wanted to make more of our offerings available to our customers, so we held seasonal tent sales behind the factory. Customers looked forward to these special events in spring and fall, and we added a second tent to accommodate the products and the demand.
Of course, it was a lot of work to move everything out, then clean it all up, and Mother Nature had to be on our side. So when Terry and Diane had an opportunity to purchase the rest of the factory building, it opened up a whole new possibility for candle factory outlet sales.
The large warehouse area is open and airy, and allows customers to browse a wide variety of seasonal home décor items during the five candle factory warehouse outlet sales we now hold yearly. No matter what the weather!
The sales begin on Thursdays and wrap on Sundays, and each offers great deals on products specific to the season. You can visit our warehouse sales in early spring, May, late summer, during the Apple Harvest Craft Show and Scarecrow Invasion weekend, and late November for early Christmas shopping.